Landscape + Architecture

De Bord, En Bord: Connecting the St. Lawrence River

Team: Celina Abba, Oliver Shi, Mengyu Zhao, and Tanushri Dalmiya
Location: Québec City, Canada
Completed: Winter 2024
Competition: An ideas competition hosted by the Commission de la Capitale Nationale du Québec

The international ideas competition goal was to envision a new future for the St. Lawrence River Shoreline in Québec City. The project “De Bord en Bord”, meaning “from edge to edge” in French, unfolds along the shoreline of the St. Lawrence River in the northeastern reaches of Québec City. “De Bord en Bord” is an investigation of urban design approaches aimed at transcending artificial borders—the imposing Autoroute Dufferin-Montmorency (highway) and Boulevard Sainte-Anne (major traffic road)—along the river’s meandering shoreline. It showcases a process of identifying the primary borders of a specific site and enhancing the area’s permeability by engaging with these borders and reimagining the spaces they delineate. Within this endeavor, the concept of “permeability” refers to the extent to which these borders can be accessed, passed through, and utilized, as well as the possibility to transform the spaces across, above, within, and beyond them.

The riverfront corridor connects the existing historical trail to the water’s edge.